Thursday, November 17, 2011

FREE $1000 gift card

For product trial offers you must typically pay a fee for shipping and/or processing to evaluate the Reward’s product. If you do not cancel within the trial period you will be billed at the Reward’s posted rate. To receive credit for participating in a trial offer you are not required to remain a customer beyond the trial period, however, we encourage our members to only participate in trials that interest them and allow enough time to seriously consider the product offered by our Reward.
To participate in a Reward offer that requires a purchase you must accept the goods and/or services and await the expiration of the refund period. Reward offers may also include financial offers such as credit cards and loan products that require a credit application.
In order to receive credit for participating in a financial offer you must be approved and accept the underlying credit card or loan product. For credit cards you may also be required use the card by making a purchase or balance transfer and remain a cardholder in good standing for at least ninety days.
The consideration required to complete Reward offers typically increases as you progress through the Top, Prime and Premium offer pages. Prior to completing any Reward offers you may navigate the offer pages and review a sample of available offers. Additional offers are also available in the member login area.


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